A downloadable supplement

This supplement is an attempt to close the gap between those who can access magic and those who can't, primarily by making self-taught magic inaccessible to all mortals except through magical Artifacts. Care has been taken to keep the level of rules more or less in line with the core book, so you can look forward to a game as uncluttered by unnecessary rules as the original Black Hack.

If you use this resource, I would encourage you to write the few features for each item on an index card, and to draw a sketch of the item on the backside! First off it's fun to stretch your drawing skills, and secondly it will make the Artifacts feel more special. 

This resource is currently not playtested; if you bring some aspect of my work to your game, I would appreciate hearing how it went so that I can revise where necessary!


The Black Magus v0.3.0.pdf 80 kB

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